Operator: Calibre Mining Corp.

Location: El Limon, Nicaragua

Royalty: 3.0% NSR (all metals)

Term of Royalty: Life of Mine

El Limón is an underground and open-pit mine owned and operated by Calibre Mining Corp. (“Calibre”). El Limón is located in northwestern Nicaragua, approximately 100 kilometers northwest of the country’s capital, Managua.

Mining operations at the El Limón Complex use conventional open-pit mining methods at the Limón Central open-pit and longitudinal sublevel stoping and modified Avoca mining methods at the Santa Pancha, Panteon and Veta Nueva underground mines. The El Limón processing plant consists of agitated cyanide leaching and carbon adsorption, followed by carbon elution, electrowinning, and doré production. The annual throughput is approximately 500,000 tonnes.