Operator: Centerra Gold Inc.

Location: British Columbia, Canada

Stream: 35% of Payable Gold and 18.75% of Payable Copper

Term of Stream: Life of Mine

Mount Milligan is a large-scale open-pit copper and gold mine operated by Thompson Creek Metals Company Inc. (“Thompson Creek”), an indirect subsidiary of Centerra Gold Inc. (“Centerra”). The mine is located within the Omenica Mining Division in north-central British Columbia, Canada. 

Construction of the Mount Milligan mine began in June 2010, with commissioning of the mine beginning in August 2013 and the achievement of commercial production in February 2014. The mining operation uses a conventional truck-and-shovel fleet, with ore processed through a 60,000 tonne per day flotation processing plant, to produce a concentrate containing copper, gold, and silver. The concentrate is trucked to the rail loadout facility in Mackenzie and railed to North Vancouver where it is loaded onto ships and sent to purchasers located around the Pacific Rim.