Operator: Ero Copper Corp.

Location: Mato Grosso State, Brazil

25% of Gold Produced until 93,000 ounces delivered, 10% thereafter

Term of Stream: Life of Mine

The Xavantina Operations (formerly known as the NX Gold Mine) is an underground mine operated by a subsidiary of Ero Copper Corp. (“Ero”), located in southeastern Mato Grosso State, Brazil, approximately 670 kilometers east of the capital city of Cuiabá. It is accessible all-year round by road from the town of Nova Xavantina, 18 kilometers to the east, and the site is connected to the national electrical grid. The total Xavantina Operations claim area currently covers approximately 45,300 hectares.

The Xavantina Operations consist of fully integrated underground mining and processing facilities. The high-grade, shear-zone hosted, quartz vein system is accessed via declines. Handheld and mechanized room-and-pillar and drift-and-fill mining methods are used.

Ore is processed using a conventional three-stage crushing circuit, milling, and a combination of gravity concentration and intensive leaching, and flotation followed by carbon-in-leach (CIL) processing. The Xavantina Operations processing facilities have the capacity to process approximately 300,000 tonnes of ore per year; the plant is currently operating below capacity and utilization of this excess capacity could significantly increase production volumes in the future.