
Operator: KGHM International Ltd.

Location: Nevada, United States

Royalty: 3.0% NSR (all metals)

Term of Royalty: Life of Mine

Robinson is an open-pit copper mine containing three major open-pit areas: Tripp-Veteran, Liberty and Ruth. Robinson is owned and operated by Robinson Nevada Mining Company, a subsidiary of KGHM International Ltd., and is located in White Pine County, Nevada, approximately 11 kilometers west of Ely.

The property is a mature mine site that has been actively mined from the late 1800s to 1978, from 1986 to 1999, and again from 2004 to the present.

Mining is conducted by conventional open-pit methods. Mined ore is hauled to the processing plant where it is crushed and ground, and then subjected to a flotation process. Copper concentrate is then transported to storage facilities in Wendover, Nevada.